Much has been made of Donald Trump’s alleged propensity for lying. But when you press for specifics, what you get is plenty of examples of hyperbole but no outright lies like perhaps Obama’s biggest whopper, “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.” Obama’s kind of “lying in state” creates bad policy by fooling the people. It’s the kind inspired by: “If you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth.” Now that the Biden Junta (the BJ) is in power, here are the biggest whoppers we’ll hear more of ad nauseam:
Walls don’t work. If they don’t, then why did the BJ build a fence twelve feet high with concertina wire on top to keep the public out of the inauguration?
Man-made global warming. Hello, higher gas prices and hello, higher prices for every single other consumer product. Hello, more opportunity for the BJ to skim, penalize, and demonize any entity that they deem is violating the Green New Deal.
Metrics. Mark Twain famously said, “There are three kinds of lies: Lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Add “metrics” as the fourth kind. Testing is haphazard and geared toward gullible hypochondriacs. The tests themselves are notoriously unreliable. Death numbers attributed to the virus are wildly exaggerated and unaudited. And besides, just about everybody’s had the damn thing already. Yet citing “metrics” the petty tyrants have everyone hanging on the edge of their seats to see if they are allowed to come out of their caves. Isolation! Quarantine! Restaurant shutdowns! School closings! And now… mutant strains! They’re lovin’ it! The social index scorin’ BJ crowd that is, not people who need to make a living, keep their kids in school, and just live life. And the CCP is lovin’ it, too, watching America go through the biggest Chinese fire drill in history.
Masks save lives. This is part and parcel to the Metrics lie. Like all good lies, there’s an element of truth to it. Masks do save lives in a sterile environment, like a surgical ward. Real masks, not the Dixie Cup style most people are wearing. But in the world at large, the mask mandates are a joke. No science supports their effectiveness. Social distancing and hand washing are good enough, common sense practices whether the Wuhan virus is circulating or not. Note the BJ in Chief Joe Biden violated his own mask mandate the very day he proclaimed it.
Black lives matter. If they mattered so much, then maybe the BJ would do something about the hugely disproportionate number of black babies who are aborted each year. If slavery was the original sin of America, then abortion is the mortal sin. Lying that America is racist achieves two goals: It makes feeble-minded whites feel guilty for the sins of their fathers, and it makes feeble-minded minorities wallow in a victim mentality. The BJ has played both ends against the middle to polarize the country and find an opening for their cynical, exploitative ideology.
Insurrection! After years of fruitlessly stoking racial violence trying to bait a fight, finally the BJ succeeded by using Trump’s massive peaceful protest at the mall in Washington to frame “an insurrection.” An alleged insurrection, no less, against his own government! And just when the evidence of election fraud was to be laid out in Congress in prime time. What an utterly absurd accusation. With all levers of power now in their hands, the BJ has gotten shameless about their lying.
Impeachment! The “Russian collusion” impeachment was dysfunctional. Now the guy is out of office. It’s not an impeachment; it’s a lynching, a tactic for which Democrats are historically famous. The so-called impeachment will just be hanging there. Nothing doing and doing nothing. Not the BJ, not Chuck Schumer, not even Nancy Pelosi can incite this erection.
The election was stolen. Oh, wait. That is the one thing making the rounds lately that isn’t a lie. And one way you know it’s the truth is the massive effort to suppress it.
Which is why “lying in state” now has a dual meaning when it comes to free speech, election integrity, and the Constitution. The old saw tells us that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Truth is the antidote. Hold on to the truth, fellow Americans, or the U.S.A. will be D.O.A.
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