President Trump put out a warning buoy when he nailed fake news.
He has a genius for capturing the essence of a problem. But is fake news a surprise to any thinking person? Increasingly, quickeningly, western civilization has embraced all things fake. Fake jewelry, fake tans, fake lips, fake eyelashes, fake boobs, even fake badonkadonks leading up even to completely fake women – forgivingly called transgenders, and with special rights to boot. Fake highs, fake erections, fake orgasms, and robotic fake girlfriends and pets. Who needs AI as a threat to humanity when humanity will do itself in just fine with its own fake smarts?
Children are now cultured in this fakery. It is every child on a team getting a trophy. It is biological boys beating girls at sports by “identifying” as girls. It is helicopter parents creating achievements out of whole cloth for their children to get them into the right schools. It is pretending that children become adults at 18 but keeping them on their parents’ health insurance until they are 26. And meanwhile letting them borrow for college tuition via loans that no sensible parent would ever cosign when they are pursuing fake degrees that will not make them productive individuals signified by something not fake at all: a good job.
Meanwhile, if the child is any conceivable minority or target of some concocted oppression, he is immersed in a fake cult of victimization with set-asides and affirmative action so that whatever he might achieve on his own is cheapened, and everything he doesn’t achieve is someone else’s fault.
The end result of all this fakery is the destruction of the individual. Faked out, people cannot think for themselves, live in the real world, make a difference. It is delusional. It is living life as an avatar rather than a human being. It is the extinguishment of the idea of every person’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. No wonder drug abuse, suicides, and mental illness rates are at epidemic levels.
Such dimwitted adults are just what the doctor ordered for fake news. Fake Russian conspiracies. Fake impeachments. Fake whistle blowers. Fake pandemics that turn out to be no worse than a bad flu, easily overcome by protecting the vulnerable, but instead used to scare the hell out of everyone, kill independent small businesses, and provide cover for the stealing of power in a fake election.
And now all this has culminated in a fake presidency, resident in a man who is pitiably so far past his use-by date that – as he demonstrated in last week’s fake press conference – he freezes and lapses and stumbles and mumbles for all the world to see. Yet unabashedly through him his handlers – whoever the heck they are – push fake borders, fake humanitarianism, fake domestic terrorism, fake insurrections, fake anti-voter-suppression legislation, fake stimulus spending, fake solutions to a fake pandemic like mask mandates, and fake vaccines that are no more than injected palliatives and one more means to limit freedom via “vaccine passports.”
What is not fake is the destruction being wrought by America’s capitulation to this unreality. A wag once said about fake boobs: “They’re not fake if I can touch ‘em.” Well, it was pointed out, he could not touch ‘em. But we’re all fixing to be touched by real pain – higher taxes, higher prices, more rules, increasing threat of war, and less freedom in this oppressive, punitive tyranny called the Biden administration. And feeling empowered by their successful coup over the Trump second term, they are just getting started. We will need a lifetime supply of warning buoys to navigate their perfidy.
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