Joltin’ Joe Biden was supposed to give his big “president-elect” speech Friday night, but oops, that afternoon a ruling came down from SCOTUS that Pennsylvania had to segregate all votes received after 8PM election day. That touched off a furious debate within the upper echelon of the DNC over whether it was bad form to declare victory before anybody else did, what with formal acknowledgment that something smells rotten in the state of Pennsylvania… not to mention several other states.
The Biden cadre wanted to do the speech to gain the momentum, to seize the upper hand, but they needed Fox News to capitulate first so that the self-aggrandizement had an air of legitimacy. Those of use who have watched Fox News deteriorate into more of the same as the rest of the media, know that it means no such thing. Finally after intense pressure, Fox obliged and everybody else pitched in Saturday. Thus the speech was Saturday night.
Ever since, all you can hear about is “President-Elect” Biden followed by dismissive reports of Trump’s accusations of voter fraud “WITH NO EVIDENCE.” I have never heard news delivered before where they qualify every single thing by one politician and never challenge the other in even the least way. The DNC scrounged for three years to find even a smidgen of evidence of collusion with Russia for impeachment and yet the media never qualified Schiff & Co.’s wild accusations.
Anyway, since Biden’s faux self-promotion, there has been dancing in the streets and a collective spiking of the ball by both the crazy left-wingers and the GOP Never-Trumpers.
The filings this week will throw cold water on all that. And the DNC is actually counting on it. They know they’ve committed Grand Theft POTUS and they have intentionally, cynically gotten the hopes up of their entire base in order to ensure that when the pushback of justice comes, there will be chaos in the streets. Their miscalculation is that their followers’ throwing fits matters. EVIDENCE is not owed to the media. EVIDENCE is presented in court, and courts will decide what was done right and wrong in the vote counting.
President Trump, uncharacteristically, has been very quiet. I can imagine that nothing makes his opponents more nervous. He knows when to hold ’em and knows when to show ’em. He has withstood constant, fallacious, and vicious attacks for four years and neutralized all of them. My money says he will serve the DNC and the Never-Trumpers a guano sandwich once again.
So the fat lad ain’t singing yet. I suspect it won’t happen for another four years. Buckle up. As Jack Bauer used to say, “This is gonna hurt.”