Pride goeth before the fall.

Last week’s tableau at the summer Olympics screwed the pooch. The almost universal reaction, thankfully, was revulsion. So it seems it jumped the shark as well.

But next up, the Olympics gave us a seriously demented dude pretending to be a woman so that he could beat up a real woman in a boxing competition, then gloating in his “victory,” completing the picture of utter cultural insanity.

It’s all shocking because it’s so gross, but it should be no surprise how we as a culture have come to this.

Years before he was killed by ill-advised Covid protocols, Phil Valentine warned all who would listen that once we as a society crossed the line of sanity by codifying the false construct of gay marriage, no line would hold. Well, here we are. LGBTETC.

Next stop, bestiality? Would Jesse Owens have brought home the gold if he had to run against an African gazelle who some woke Olympic official was just sure self-identified as a human male?

For some ten thousand years, human beings have built civilization on this Earth in an unbroken pattern of one man, one woman at a time, going forth to procreate and increase the species. Throughout all that time, there is no doubt that human beings, being the errant creatures that human beings are, have deviated from the norm sexually.

Up until this current generation, sexual deviation was kept in the shadows, behind closed doors, between consenting adults. Don’t ask, don’t tell, and above all do not drag children into it. Whether you were heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, a cross dresser, or any other kind of kinky, as long as you kept it private and above all, kept it away from children, no decent person would judge you to be any less decent than they themselves were.

Now, however, all manner of gender dysfunction is not just forced down our throats, but our children are saturated with it as well. Drag queen story hours. Pride month. Parades with balloons and clowns and outrageous behavior to which dizzy virtue-signalling adults bring their kids and grandkids. Now even the Olympics. For what purpose? Exactly what purpose does exposing children to sexuality of any kind serve?

The key to answering such questions is to think. Put your phone away. Stop watching the Tik Tok videos. Don’t check your alt friends’ Instagram accounts. Those things are all designed to nudge, nudge, nudge you into living like a lemming. Instead, actually think for yourself with your own sovereign gray matter. Reason this out.

The answer is right there at the Olympics. The logical conclusion of this deviant trend is a man’s fist striking a woman’s face. If that’s ok, the next level is children being similarly abused. Or for that matter, mutilated. In many ways, we are already there.

Is that the new norm to which we as humanity aspire for civilization? Is that what we want for our children?

You men who have so far been cowed by the LGBTETC movement: grow into your biological God-given pair. And women: grow into your own very different pair. Speak up, push back, and help put the kebosh on this nonsense.

If we don’t, we are collectively and individually not just screwing the pooch or jumping the shark, but nailing our lambs to the cross.

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Author: John Arra

John Arra is the pen name of a determined individualist who tries to connect the dots of life by writing.

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