Serious students of the War Between the States understand that slavery served as the bone of contention, but what actually caused killing was the inability of political forces to settle the dispute.
When decades of political maneuvers designed to deal with the Peculiar Institution failed to satisfy either side, emotions took control, the South got belligerent, and Lincoln got intransigent. America was soon on the march to a million casualties among friends, neighbors, and families.
Before the human carnage, the first casualty was critical thinking. Case in point: One of the earliest and strongest advocates for abolition was named William Lloyd Garrison. He was the kind of guy you don’t want to get stuck sitting next to on a plane. Although on the right side of important issues, he was annoyingly judgmental and strident about it. Another of his pet causes: temperance. The temperance movement led to the banning of alcohol decades later, which became known as Prohibition.
We all know how Prohibition turned out. It spawned organized crime and made bad drinkers worse, proving that you cannot legislate against human nature. If critical thinking had been applied to the issue instead of zealotry, a compromise might have averted an egregious misuse of federal power in a Quixotic attempt to stamp out a vice that will never go away. And should not go away.
Critical thinking would have led to common sense: Human beings need their vices, at least in small measure, in order to tolerate other, annoying human beings like William Lloyd Garrison. The application of common sense would have led to compromise. Instead, Garrison and subsequent extremists pushed people and politicians into corners they had to fight their way out of.
Wokism is a thing tailor-made for extremists, not unlike abolition or prohibition. Although at least in abolition there really was a just cause: everybody today knows that slavery is, was, and always will be wrong. And anyone who encounters a drunk thinks, rightly, something needs to be done about that. Yes, it does, but that begins in the soul of the drinker. The government certainly has nothing to do with saving souls.
The thing about Wokism is, there is no real evil – e.g. slavery, or sloppy drunks – that Wokism defeats. Instead Wokism is all about boogey men. Wokism was created not to solve an evil, but just to cause the schism, the division and discord that we see all around us among people today, just for the sake of the discord.
Wokism eludes strict definition, but certain Woke obsessions are readily identified. Let’s start with the most obvious: Sex. Not gender; SEX. Gender is a word used in language study; sex is a biological fact. Wokists seized on gender as some sort of highly important word to the complete exclusion of what is actually, fundamentally, really importantly, sex.
It started with gay marriage. Already by the 1990s, all decent, civilized people had accommodated homosexuality. Don’t ask, don’t tell was a great example of common sense applied to a human quirk in order to live and let live. Practicing homosexuality was safe in western civilization for perhaps the first time anywhere in world history.
But no, that was not good enough for the extremists. They couldn’t settle for tolerance, they had to achieve acceptance by cramming buggery down everybody’s throats. With the 2015 Obergefell decision – a tax case, for goodness’ sake – they found the crack for their crowbar and wrenched the institution of marriage wide open. The next thing you knew, children were growing up with two daddies, or two mommies, and biological sex was nowhere in the equation. Parenting was nothing but a legal construct.
So now “Pride” is celebrated for a whole month as if it were Christmas, and Wokism-befogged parents even drag their innocent children to parades celebrating sodomy. And for that matter, to drag queen story hours. Actions which, a very short while ago, would almost universally been considered child abuse.
(At this point, if you yourself have been infected with the Wokid Virus, you will react by calling this deprecation of same-sex marriage “hate speech.” Except, if memory serves, prior to Obergefell every statewide same-sex marriage referendum failed except one. And that exception was not even California. Even Barack Obama came into his presidency refusing to endorse same-sex marriage. So… yesterday’s prevailing wisdom is today’s hate speech? Not in any sane world. And no, opposing same sex marriage is not homophobic, any more than opposing intemperance means you hate all drinkers.)
Because: the obsession didn’t even stop at the oxymoron gay marriage. This kind of magical thinking led next to grossly hairy men pretending to be women and demanding special rights for it, like getting to use the ladies’ room and to bunk down in women’s prisons. And worse, it filters down to kids who get attention by defying their sex in order to choose a gender and then watch the whole adult world around them go to pieces over it.
And it goes completely off the rails when serious deranged males demand to compete against females, and then glory in trophies and world records and acclaim from equally cuckoo Wokists. The unintended (or is it intended?) consequence of such behavior is that when women are finally getting their due for sports achievement, it is being snuffed out. And even worse, some Woke, or demonically greedy, medical professionals start drugging the kids and lopping off body parts for profit, sometimes by fooling the parents, sometimes because the parents are just pathetically clueless human beings…
Bottom line, nothing exemplifies Wokism more perfectly than this whole mess over sex.
You can take that kind of mental dysfunction and apply it to any number of other issues. Bad weather, which must be man’s fault. Ukraine, arguably the most corrupt country in the world and no kind of democracy, but which somehow must be defended against big bad Russia. And for that matter Russia, who should be our best ally against the Godless, despotic, genocidal, slavery-practicing CCP, but in Wokism’s thinking: Putin bad, Zelenskyy good. So there go another million casualties in a needless war.
It is all exhausting to the critical thinkers still left in this world. None of it makes any sense. Unless you realize it is all by design precisely for the purpose that indeed, nothing does make any sense.
Now we are one week away from the presidential election. Those who want to to make a nightmare out of the American Dream are working their Woke black magic for all it is worth. How appropriate, here at Halloween.
The scariest thing about the support for the Wicked Witch of the Woke, Kamala Hussein O’Harris, is that it is not coming from the less sophisticated people of this civilization. True, it is coming to a great extent from the chip-on-their-shoulders crowd, who range from low to high in IQ, but the most disturbing thing is to hear well-educated, otherwise sober and responsible people compare Trump to Hitler, assert that Harris is a morally superior person to Trump, ignore her vapid word salads, and so forth. Their denial of reality is hard to swallow.
It’s no use talking in terms of sin and faith with Wokists, but there’s an axiom in the religious world that applies at least metaphorically here: Satan’s greatest trick is making you believe he doesn’t exist. Wokists are buying tripe that they would have never accepted just a few years ago. That you shouldn’t need an ID for voting. That the “vaccines” were safe and Ivermectin is just for cows. That mail-in ballots are a civil rights issue. That January 6 was really an insurrection. That open borders is just being neighborly. That Joe Biden campaigning asleep in his basement got more votes than not just Donald Trump, but Barack Obama as well. Or that the economy is OK.
Well, that last one can be explained. Most of these people are in the upper middle class, insulated from the ravages of inflation by 401Ks, the Fed’s manipulation of stocks, daddy’s money, insurance settlements, alimony, gated communities, and the like. They can buy EVs just to show off. Meanwhile small buinesses have closed by the thousands, and even Walgreens and CVS and True Value and 7-11 and K-Mart and other retailers serving the lower classes are reeling. All while country clubs seem to be doing just fine. Everybody below the middle-middle class has just flat run out of money thanks to government-caused inflation.
The lotus eaters in the upper middle class who profess to support Harris and Walz over Trump and Vance have each had a catheter installed in their main mental artery. It is called a smart phone, or more accurately a social phone. The phones deliver Wokist nonsense to them via the maelstrom of Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and any other app du jour. That is, when they aren’t using the phones to bet on sports, look at porn, or compare themselves to the Joneses. It seems that they cannot get their noses out of their cell phones and into a book, or a real newspaper, or Bible study. They are being manipulated and brainwashed via that catheter. And like Satan’s greatest trick, if you try to tell them this, they won’t believe you in a million years. You Luddite.
Not everyone, of course, who uses social phones falls for the propaganda. Consider social drinkers who can have one or two at a party, or as a nightcap, and live their life sober and happy. These social phone suckers are not social drinkers. They think they can control it. They can’t. They dive in until they hit the bottom of the bottle or pass out, whichever comes first.
Whether or not Trump has indeed made this election too big to steal, the Wokist-baiters among us are going to use it one way or another to steal what remains of peace and civility from this country, whether it is by undermining a new Trump presidency or further humiliating this proud nation via a Harris coup echoing the Biden steal.
The crack in which they are putting their crowbar this time is the Wokism schism. It is tearing apart generations and families and friends no less dramatically than did the Civil War. As disturbing as the division in this country is now, God help those of us who have not prepared adequately for the chaos that is about to ensue. It will get worse before it gets better.
If Trump is given the win, expect comebacks from Occupy, Antifa, and BLM, and a succession of events truly worthy of the name “insurrection.” If the Deep State steals it for Harris, expect gas prices and inflation generally to spike again, the stock market bubble finally to burst, and our enemies throughout the world to make their moves. The goal and end result will be the elimination of the middle class. From top to bottom. Ironically, those same upper middle class Wokism sympathizers will be wiped out along with the hoi polloi.
And by the way, that pest William Lloyd Garrison’s other big “cause” besides abolition and temperance? Women’s suffrage. Again, he was on the right side of the issue, and at least his polemics this time didn’t lead to Civil War or Prohibition. But nothing is perfect: No doubt we have to contend with Knucklehead Tim Walz as a potential V.P. thanks to the Manchurian cat-ladies’ votes enabled by women’s suffrage.
Case closed against the extremists.
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